Hotel Ginko

Hotel Ginko Information Project: 90-room city hotel with underground garage, construction as general contractor Budget: 1.200 MFt Customer: SKS SAS Projekt Kft. Year of construction: 2009-2010 Floor area: 5.600 m² Location: Hódmezővásárhely Referent: Dóra Lénárt director Gallery More photos!

GUESTHOUSE HERCEGASSZONY Information Design documentation for the transformation of an existing building. Project: Licensing and execution plans Budget: 9 MFt+ÁFA Customer: Hód-Plast Kft. Year of construction: 2013 Floor area: 4.500 m² Location: Mezőtúr Referent: Lóránd Juhász Gallery More photos!

TISZAVIRÁG BONTIQUE Information Transformation of a historic building in downtown Szeged into a guesthouse by construction of a basement and two floors in the existing building, thus creating space for bedrooms, kitchen and wellness department . Project: In an existing historic building complete reconstruction, guesthouse design in general construction Budget: 433 MFt+ÁFA Custromer: Tabán Trafik […]